Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Macros in Proc SQL

Creating Macro Variables in PROC SQL

Other software vendors' SQL products allow the embedding of SQL into another language. References to variables (columns) of that language are termed host-variable references. They are differentiated from references to columns in tables by names that are prefixed with a colon. The host-variable stores the values of the object-items that are listed in the SELECT clause.

The only host language that is currently available in SAS is the macro language, which is part of Base SAS software. When a calculation is performed on a column's value, its result can be stored, using :macro-variable, in the macro facility. The result can then be referenced by that name in another PROC SQL query or SAS procedure. Host-variable can be used only in the outer query of a SELECT statement, not in a subquery. Host-variable cannot be used in a CREATE statement.

If the query produces more than one row of output, then the macro variable will contain only the value from the first row. If the query has no rows in its output, then the macro variable is not modified. If the macro variable does not exist yet, it will not be created. The PROC SQL macro variable SQLOBS contains the number of rows that are produced by the query.

Note: The SQLOBS automatic macro variable is assigned a value after the SQL SELECT statement executes.

Creating Macro Variables from the First Row of a Query Result

If you specify a single macro variable in the INTO clause, then PROC SQL assigns the variable the value from the first row only of the appropriate column in the SELECT list. In this example, &country1 is assigned the value from the first row of the Country column, and &barrels1 is assigned the value from the first row of the Barrels column. The NOPRINT option prevents PROC SQL from displaying the results of the query. The %PUT statement writes the contents of the macro variables to the SAS log.
proc sql noprint;
   select country, barrels
      into :country1, :barrels1  
      from sql.oilrsrvs;
%put &country1 &barrels1;

Creating Macro Variables from the First Row of a Query Result
4  proc sql noprint;
5     select country, barrels
6        into :country1, :barrels1      
7        from sql.oilrsrvs;
9  %put &country1 &barrels1;
Algeria                            9,200,000,000
      real time           0.12 seconds

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